The exciting sport of World Extreme Rock Crawling (W.E. Rock) is all about drivers and their machines pushing it to the limit. On April 27 and 28, Sand Hollow Resort hosted a WEROCK event with 41 teams from 8 states, as well as a team of brothers from Japan. Over 1,000 spectators were in attendance to witness the pure adrenaline rush of watching drivers and their machines “[conquer] large boulders, steep climbs, rock ledges, and massive drops, all while avoiding strategically placed cones.”


WEROCK competitors design and build their vehicles to drive over the most extreme obstacles that the course designers can come up with. Once on the course, drivers and their spotters have 10 minutes to navigate 3 to 4 gates without hitting any cones and as few backups as possible. This thrilling nature of WEROCK events draws spectators, teams, and drivers from all over the country.


 “We would like to thank all of the fans and spectators for coming out this year,” commented Rich Klein, President of WEROCK. “We would also like everyone to know that we will be back again next year on April 18 and 19 to do it all again. Sand Hollow Resort offered a beautiful course with a comfortable grass area for spectators, as well as outstanding hospitality.”


The competition’s top honors were taken by Jeff McKinlay and Mitchell Sweatt from Idaho in the Unlimited Class.  Pro Mod Champions were Jared Neff and Rawlin McGhie from Nevada.  Sportsman A top honors went to Jeff Houser and Jesse Bixby from Washington, and Sportsman C winners were Steve Allard and Gary Willette of Arizona.


Sources: WEROCK Live