A new year calls for new resolutions, and we’re not just referring to eating healthier and losing weight. Instead, set resolutions that are specifically geared towards your golf game! Here are some New Year’s resolutions that will help you enjoy, and improve, your golf game in 2020.


1. Walk the course

Using a golf cart is always tempting, but you can burn double the calories by walking and carrying your bag instead. If you’d rather keep the weight off your shoulders, you can grab a caddie or a pull cart to help.


2. Teach someone else

 There’s nothing wrong with spending extra time on the course, but why not put that time to good use by teaching another player how to improve their swing? This is the perfect way to share your love of the sport, and you may even learn something new while you’re at it!


3. Find the best golf ball for your style

 When it comes to golf, everyone knows that having the right set of golf clubs makes a difference, but what about golf balls? You may be surprised to know that one set of golf balls may work great for one player, but not for another. We can help you pick out the perfect set of golf balls at the Pro Shop.

4. Get in shape

 One of the best ways to enjoy golf more is to get into shape. There are several easy exercises you can do to help you improve your game. Plus, these exercises aren’t too intense, so golfers of all fitness levels can do them.


5. Brush up on good golf etiquette

 Golf is a sport of traditions and rules. To improve your experience, as well as everyone’s around you, make an effort to brush up on your golf etiquette this year. Everyone on the course will thank you!


6. Play more golf

 Every golfer makes the resolution to golf more often, but this year it’s time to actually make it happen!  Sand Hollow Resort boasts great weather all year round, so you can enjoy a game of golf no matter the season. There’s no reason not to get out on the course more this year.


Start the new year off on the right foot when it comes to your golf game. Book a tee time today and get out on the course so you can keep your New Year’s resolutions in 2020!