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Create memories in the outdoor Sand Hollow Resort Rock Bowl with this tribute band

Tribute concerts don’t get better than live music in a breathtaking outdoor theater.

Doors open at 7:30 PM

show starts at 8:30 PM

Bring your own chair for lawn seating

All seating is first come first serve

No coolers allowed

No blanket seating

No outside food or drink

Food and beverage available for purchase


If an event is canceled, no action is required to obtain a refund of the base ticket price. We will issue a refund to the original method of payment used at time of purchase. Please note that the event provider/host is not responsible for any fees or surcharges collected from the ticket agent at time of purchase; that process will be subject to their refund policy.


If an event is postponed, rescheduled, or moved due to weather or other reasons deemed appropriate or necessary by the event provider/host, your tickets are still valid for the new date and no further action is required. A notification outlining the available refund options will be sent to the email address used to make the purchase The status of your event, and any options available, can always be found on our website at www.sandhollowresort.com/events


BEFORE PURCHASING TICKETS, CAREFULLY REVIEW YOUR CONCERT DATE AND SHOWTIME. All ticket sales are final. There are limited options, based on circumstances, to transfer a ticket to another event. Please contact Sand Hollow Resort 24 hours prior of the start of the ticketed event in question, to request a ticket transfer: contact@sandhollowresorts.com

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